Python for Blender – Batch renaming objects

Blender 2.8 | Python 3.7

Some useful short Python snippets for batch re-naming objects in Blender:

  1. Remove last 4 characters from selected object names:
    import bpy
    objects = bpy.context.selected_objects
    for o in objects: =[:-4]

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  2. Rename all selected objects to a set base name followed by a 3 digit numeric suffix:
    import bpy
    objects = bpy.context.selected_objects
    for (i,o) in enumerate(objects): = "some_base_name_{:03d}".format(i)

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  3. Prefix all selected objects name with their Blender data type like renaming “SomeModel” to “MESH_SomeModel” or for example:
    import bpy
    objects = bpy.context.selected_objects
    for (i,o) in enumerate(objects): = "{}_{}".format(o.type,

    Annotation 2020-04-23 203345


* note that when copying and pasting a script from this example, the indentation may not be pasted correctly.

Blender 2.8 has a robust batch renaming utility that is invoked by pressing Ctrl + F2 so we don’t have to write scripts to do batch renaming of objects:

Annotation 2020-04-24 174503


Python for Blender – Accessing Mesh Triangles