V-Ray for 3ds max Wood Floor Material

3ds max 2019 | V-Ray Next

An example of varnished wood floor material in V-Ray and 3ds max.
The material uses a VRayBlendMtl with 2 connected VRayMtl sub materials to simulate a natural wood base layer coated by a glossy varnish layer.


Explanation of the material node graph:50770279_2476404922388832_853261524695777280_o.jpg

  1. The wood color (Diffuse texture)
  2. The wood black and white detail texture (used to add reflection detail)
  3. The wood bump texture (actually the same as the reflection texture just color corrected to whiten most details except the lines separating the wood planks)
  4. The reflection texture is color corrected to to intensify it prior to it being connected to the base wood layer material:
  5. The reflection texture is color corrected to to decrease its intensity prior to it being connected to the varnish coat blend:
  6. The base layer natural wood material with the Diffuse, Reflect and Bump textures connected to it:
  7. The varnish coat material with the Bump texture connected to it:
    * Note the Fresnel Reflections is turned off because the Fresnel reflection is calculated by the Falloff map (8)
  8. The Falloff map that defines the amount with which the varnish coat material covers the base wood material,
    A combination of Fresnel reflection intensity/Angle with the pre-processed reflection detail map (5):
  9. The final VRayBlendMtl combining the base wood material with the varnish coat material using the Fresnel Falloff blend map:


Related posts:

  1. Fresnel Reflections

Advanced Procedural Wood for Blender & Cycles

Blender 2.8 | Cycles

CG-Lion Wood Presets Pack 1.0 is an advanced 3D procedural wood shader I developed for Blender and the Cycles render engine that produces consistent wood pattern on all sides of the model without requiring UV coordinates.
The shader has many tweak-able parameters for easy customization of the wood pattern, and also has built-in varnish coat and paint layers.
CG-Lion Wood Presets Pack 1.0 ships with a ready-to-use material preset library.

CG-Lion Wood Presets Pack 1.0 is available on Blender Market:


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