Read-list: Intro to UE4 Arch-viz

A list of UE4 Architectural-Visualization related tutorials:

  1. 3ds max & V-Ray to UE4 – Datasmith workflow basics and tips
  2. UE4 – “Cleaning up” the FPS template for an Archviz project
  3. Basic architectural glazing material in UE4
  4. UE4 – HDRI Environment & Lighting
  5. UE4 – Enable DXR Raytracing
  6. UE4 – Lighting calculation tips for Archviz
  7. Creating a camera animation in UE4
  8. UE4 – Technical model visualization tips

Read-list: Intro to OSL Shaders

An introductory article series for both using and writing OSL shaders:

  1. What are OSL shaders
  2. Using OSL shaders in Cycles for Blender
  3. Using OSL shaders in Arnold for Maya
  4. Using OSL shaders in V-Ray for 3ds max
  5. Writing a basic OSL shader