GitHub Desktop – Not launching UI – Problem & Fix

GitHub Desktop 2.4.3 | Windows 10

About 1 or 2 weeks ago GitHub Desktop stopped opening it’s window when lunched.
It would run in the background, you could see it in the Windows Task Manager, but its window would not open.
Looking into this on various web discussions, I found that deleting the folder named app-2.4.3 in its application data solves the problem:
Annotation 2020-05-09 200238
This is the path to GitHub Desktop‘s data:
C:\Users\<YOUR USER>\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop
After deleting the folder and re-launching GitHub Desktop, I found it generated a new folder with the same name, so I guess settings for the latest update got corrupted, and the software generated new settings..


UE4 GitHub Setup


UE4 – Change the size of the UI and fonts

Unreal Engine 4.24

To Change the size of the UI and fonts in the Unreal Editor:

  1. Select:
    Window > Developer Tools > Widget Reflector
    To open the Widget Reflector window
    Annotation 2020-04-23 150847
  2. In the Widget Reflector window, change the Application Scale parameter:
    Annotation 2020-04-23 151022

Optimized Architectural Glazing for Blender & Cycles

Blender 2.8 | Cycles Renderer

CG-Lion Architectural Glazing Presets Pack 1.0 is an custom architectural glazing shader I developed for Cycles render engine, that provides easy setup of real world architectural glazing surfaces, and ships with 40 ready to use material presets.

The shader has architecture-friendly real world parameters like ‘frosted‘, ‘milky‘, ‘smoked‘ glass etc., has convenient built-in inputs for effects like selective sand blasting or selective graphic coating and is internally optimized for transparent shadow casting.

CG-Lion Architectural Glazing Presets Pack 1.0 is available for purchase on Blender Market.


Realistic Spotlights for Blender & Cycles
Customizable Photo-realistic Car-paint shader for Cycles
Procedural Wood Shader for Cycles